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Do you want move forward? Talk to friends

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There are things in life or business seemingly small, but with capacity to shift one forward unexpectedly. For example, regular meetings with like-minded people. So did many giants of spirit and action: J.R.R. Tolkien, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Karel Čapek with his "Fridays". To avoid just plain talks and to make meetings effective, it is good to give them a form. For instance, the Mastermind Groups is an effective method. How can it help?

Do you want move forward? Talk to friends


At the mastermind group meetings, participants talk about their plans. Well, if you commit to something in front of a group, you are very likely to do it. You do not want to disappoint people.


Usually it is people working in the same field to meet in such groups. They have similar experiences, but a different perspective of things. This is very valuable. Thanks to that, they can see problems and issues seen unexpected parties and offer solutions which one would not achieve alone.

Discovering strengths

When talking in a group, one can find out that something seen as a knick-knack is an unsolvable problem for another person. It often happens that we are not aware of our own strengths. In a group these can be unveiled easily.


The structure of such meetings normally gives each participant room to tell the others about his or her recent activities. This motivates the group's member to prepare for the meeting and think about what to do and how to do it. One gets the time and the reason for self-reflection.


At the mastermind meetings, you will get to know people who have different talents and abilities than you. You can therefore easily establish cooperation and help each other with specific projects. Within each group, you can also help one another with promotion – for example, by sharing on social networks or blogs.



Meeting the goals you have set and experiencing the success of others makes you more self-confident. Self-confidence, combined with the group's support and feedback you will receive here, will eventually bring apparent results.

How to establish and lead a mastermind group?

The easiest way is to join a group led by a professional facilitator. However, you can also create and lead a mastermind group yourself. People whom you would want in such a group are easiest to find on social networks or various fora – in the case you do not know them in real life. It is important that members of the mastermind group had a variety of occupations, even if they are from related fields. This is the way you will be able to enrich each other. An ideal group's size is around 6 people.


How does this work?

Once you have your ideal group of 6 people
- schedule a regular meeting time (including Skype or other online platform), at best for one to two hours a week.
- Determine who will watch over time and be the host of the meeting.
- It is good if members of the group know how to make high-quality feedback and have other basic communication skills.
- Get ready for each meeting. Sum up what you have done since the last meeting, what you have achieved and what you have failed to do.
- The meeting start by sharing these reflections.
- Then the group should deal with the problems that beset the members. It may seems that everyone chooses their most pressing problems, asking others for advice. Or, each week you can pay attention to one member only, but in a profound depth.
- You will complete your meeting with a round in which everyone sets targets for the next period.

If you are interested in this topic, read more information about the Mastermind group method. See our previous texts for ideas about how to present one's work to a group.


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