Manage your labels in a bulk
Import Product Tags- Labels
Labels of products are possible to manage in a bulk with .xls import.
How to do it?
- Export your products You get an exact .xls file you need for next work.
- Open .xls file
- When you want to just edit labels, keep these columns;
product_id (keep import_code column just if you use your own code), title (helps you easily identify products) and column indicators ( contains all associated labels ).
Delete rest of the columns.
4. Columns indicators rename on indicator_assign and edit labels for specific products according to:
- When you want to add a new product, insert title label (for example News). PAY ATTENTION: This title has to be identical with the one created in SETTINGS / PRODUCTS / PRODUCT TAGS.
- When you want to remove tags, insert cross sign # before the label title (for example #News)
- More labels for one product are possible to add the way that one product is used more than one time in import file and in column indicator_assign insert specific labels, for example:
product_id | title | indicator_assign |
133 | Apple Mac Book Pro | News |
133 | Apple Mac Book Pro | In Stock |
5. Save the file in .xls format and upload in SETTINGS / IMPORT, EXPORT / Wizard, select IMPORT, and PRODUCTS.
*Don´t forget to keep the title for excel file named products.
The sample of imported .XLS file for labels