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Manage your labels in a bulk

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Import Product Tags- Labels

Labels of products are possible to manage in a bulk with .xls import.

How to do it?

  1. Export your products You get an exact .xls file you need for next work.
  2. Open .xls file
  3. When you want to just edit labels, keep these columns;

product_id (keep import_code column just if you use your own code), title (helps you easily identify products) and column indicators ( contains all associated labels ).

Delete rest of the columns.

4. Columns indicators rename on indicator_assign and edit labels for specific products according to:

  • When you want to add a new product, insert title label (for example News). PAY ATTENTION: This title has to be identical with the one created in SETTINGS / PRODUCTS / PRODUCT TAGS.
  • When you want to remove tags, insert cross sign # before the label title (for example #News)
  • More labels for one product are possible to add the way that one product is used more than one time in import file and in column indicator_assign insert specific labels, for example:
product_id    title      indicator_assign       
133 Apple Mac Book Pro  News
133 Apple Mac Book Pro  In Stock


5. Save the file in .xls format and upload in SETTINGS / IMPORT, EXPORT / Wizard, select IMPORT, and PRODUCTS.

*Don´t forget to keep the title for excel file named products.

The sample of imported .XLS file for labels 

 label sample sheet

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