Get closer to your clients and create Live chat account!
What it is - Live chat?
Live chat is a type of online support much used nowadays. You can communicate (write, chat) with your customers at the very moment when they need (eg. immediately obtain information about the service or product you provide). On your website is constantly display the live chat button that is online or offline, depending on whether you are logged in and ready to answer your customers.
BizWebs does not provide this service, but allows you to add live chat to pages created in BizWebs.
Companies providing live chat:
How does it work?
A visitor comes to your website or e-shop and if has a question - simply clicks on live chat button, which connects him with you (if you're online - accessible). You will be informed in Live chat Administration, where you can decide whether to accept the call, reject, move it to another operator, ...
If your absence is button offline - unavailable. In this case, however, the client can send you a message that is delivered to your specified e-mail.
Order Live chat (or only test it for xxx days) at a provider. He will send you login information as well as code that is necessary to insert into your website administration.
How to add Live chat into your website?
In your administration open arbitrary page and create a new block.
In Advanced choose HTML code and as Box choose Footer.
Open this block. Insert code generated by Live chat provider into window Edit HTML block.
If you want to show this block with Live chat on every page, go to the Block settings and in line Global block mark Show block in all pages and Save.
Now the Live chat button is displayed on your pages.
In the administration of your Live chat login as operator and set online status.