Products discussion
By comments in section Products get important feedback from your customers and you will see how they react on offered products.
If you want to use this feature, go to section Settings / Products / General - there mark Commenting and Save changes.
Also you can set here:
- notification on new comment: if you mark this field, system will sent to your e-mail a new comment
- comment approving: before displaying on website will be sent to your e-mail a message about adding a new comment and if you wish to display it on website or delete it
- title of abusive text: Title of text which you had marked as abusive
- abusive comment: Text which will replace an abusive text
At website can abusive comment shows like this:
List of discussion to a product displays in administration of detail of each product (window "edit product - title of product"), file Discussion.
Here you can see a list of comments and features for theirs editing. You can:
- approve a comment - if click on window in the column "Approved". Appears a mark:
- hide an abusive or unwanted comment: abusive comment mark by clicking on icon:
, which will be changed on:
- delete unwanted comment: by clicking on red cross:
Note: If you have set requesting of comments (Setting / Products / General / Commenting) than will come to your e-mail a request notice. Comment approve/delete by clicking on appropriate link in e-mail (Approve comment / Delete comment).