Creating a menu structure and menu editing
In the section PAGES is visible tree structure of web pages - a list of pages and subpages.
In the test version, you have the sample site structure, you can freely overwrite or modify as needed.
Creation of a new page
In the section Pages click New Page and:
- fill in the title of the page
- select the parent page
- select the block:
- The basic offer (the most used blocks): Text, Gallery, Form, News, Polls, Guestbook, Directory, Content from
- Click on the button Next blocks and appears an extended offer of block: Product from, Category content, Redirecting, HTML code, Sitemap, FAQ, Title, Facebook, Google maps, YouTube video and Twitter box.
- Click on Save
In the section Advanced you can fill in Title, Page Description and Keywords.
These fields should be filled in terms of SEO - search engine optimization. They can be edited subsequently after clicking in administration in the top right corner of the Page Properties, SEO blurb.
In the left menu you can:
- Create new page using of icon
- Set page properties
- Look at the created page
- Move the page up/down in the hierarchy of websites
- Delete pages
- Copy and move pages to the optional place in the tree structure of pages
- View menu items
To this menu, you get when you hold your mouse on the page you want to edit. To the right of the page title appears small black arrow, which you need to click.
Menu items have assigned the following conditions of visibility:
"Visible" page is visible for every user of website
"Locked" page is visible for registered users only. A visitor can get into the content of web page that will be locked with a password by logging in using e-mail and password he entered during the registration. Suitable to access eg. to a website containing price list with more advantageous of discounts or terms of delivery for registered users.
"Hidden, functional URL address". Web page content is hidden and it can be input only after entering the direct URL address. Search engines index the page.
"Hidden, not function URL address. Web page content is hidden and can not be entered anyway. Search engines don't index the page.
Visibility conditions ("visible", "locked" or "hidden") can be set by clicking on "Page Options" and next to "Visibility" select the desired option. Further, define user groups to which you want the page to appear and click on "Save".
- If you want subsequently delete the group for which should be page visible, click on the phrase (in our case) "2 groups assigned".
- This opens the list of assigned groups. Use the red cross to delete the unwanted group.