Domain redirection to BizWebs
Please set so-called DNS records of domain as follows:
1. Redirection by DNS records
Web space of domain will be redirected to our servers. E-mail boxes as well create in an administration of your website. Settings - E-mails - E-mail address
2. Redirection by IP address:
Web space of domain will be redirected to our server, e-mail boxes stay at a default web hosting.
IP address for BizWebs:
IP record change to:
these values:
www IN A
@ IN A
m IN A
This setting you can carry out (as a domain owner) in domain administration at your registrar or write / call him directly. The registrar changes the DNS servers for you. After setting the DNS records, we create so-called Alias and the domain is activated. This process may take 24 hours.
Important attentions:
1. Inform us that you have changed the DNS records of a domain by e-mail on Is required to activate the domain on our server.
2. Domain transfer makes after your new web will be filled with content. Until then use the original web.
3. If the domain is currently running, it is necessary to create a backup of the original site and the content on the current server (files on FTP, e-mails on the server if you do not download them into the PC). Sometimes it happens that content on your old website is deleted when you change DNS. If you do not need the old site don´t make backups.
4. By changing the DNS, you will use our web hosting you will not need another hosting (you can cancel hither-to hosting service).
5. Before the change of DNS records creates a new mailbox in the section SETTINGS - Email - E-mail addresses.
Another option is to change the domain registrar on our company. In the interests of complete transfer domains please write to
In any case of problems, please contact us.