Sorting Products in the E-shop
Using sorting settings, you can manage the order in which customers see products in your e-shop. This allows you to display the newest or cheapest products to customers without manually changing the product order in the administration. Customers can choose a different sorting method within a category based on their preferences. The general product sorting settings for e-shop categories can be adjusted in the Settings > Products > General section under Sorting.
- Sort by best-selling - adds an option to sort products by bestsellers. The system considers the last 50,000 sold items (database rows). For example, if 5 pieces of one product and 1 piece of another are sold, these are still 2 database rows.
- Sort by price - adds an option to sort products by price.
- Default product sorting - sets the default product sorting method in categories. Customers can choose a different sorting method while browsing the e-shop.
- Secondary product sorting - sets a secondary sorting parameter. Customers cannot modify secondary sorting.
Default / secondary sorting allows you to set the following options:
- position - products will be sorted in the e-shop in the same order as in the administration,
- latest - products will be sorted from the newest to the oldest,
- name (title)- products will be sorted alphabetically,
- price - products will be sorted from the cheapest to the most expensive,
- producer - products will be sorted by an alphabetical list of manufacturers,
- availability - products will be sorted by stock availability; the order of statuses can be set in settings > warehouses > general,
- bestsellers - products will be sorted from the bestsellers first.
What is secondary product sorting useful for?
Secondary product sorting allows for additional adjustments when multiple products in the product list match the default sorting criteria. For example, if the default sorting is set to Availability, multiple products may have the same stock availability. Secondary sorting lets you define how products with the same availability are sorted. By setting default sorting to Availability and secondary sorting to Price, products in the e-shop will be sorted by availability and price simultaneously. In the product list, customers will first see products in stock, sorted from the cheapest to the most expensive. Then, products with other availability statuses will follow, also sorted from the cheapest to the most expensive.
Individual product sorting for specific categories
Default product sorting can be set individually for specific categories. This allows for different sorting methods in specific categories compared to other e-shop categories. Individual category sorting settings can be configured in the Category options - tab Content.