Batch Creation of Proforma Invoices / Invoices from Orders
In the Orders section, you can batch create proforma invoices / invoices from multiple orders at once, making order management easier.
Whether the system offers the option to generate proforma invoices or invoices depends on the Use Preinvoices setting in Settings > Orders > General > Invoicing.
- The system allows you to batch generate proforma invoices if one of the following options is selected: Use Proforma Invoices: Yes, Yes – Automatically create a proforma invoice for each order, Yes – Automatically create and send a proforma invoice for each order.
- The system allows you to batch generate invoices only if one of the following options is selected: Use Proforma Invoices: No – The system can create a proforma invoice for online/QR payments, No – The system creates a final invoice for online/QR payments.
How to Batch Generate Proforma Invoices / Invoices
1. In the Orders section, select orders for which you want to create documents in bulk by using the checkboxes.
2. Click on the List (number) button above the order list and select the Create Invoices option (if proforma invoices are active, you will see the option Create PreInvoices):
3. In the Batch Invoice Creation window, fill in the following fields:
- Change Order Status – Sets a new status for orders after the document is created.
- Send Invoice via Email to Client – Sends the created document to the customer's email.
- Invoice Issue Date – You can choose one of the following options:
- Set the fulfillment date to the order creation date.
- Set a custom fulfillment date for all orders – When this option is selected, additional fields will appear to set a specific fulfillment date and due date.
Start document generation by clicking Save Invoices. If you are generating documents for 50 or more orders at once, the generation will run as a background task.
You can speed up the process. If all orders for which you want to generate documents share common parameters (creation date, status, delivery method, etc.), youelect orders individually, and you can directly generate documents for all found orders.