How to create token to access API
The Authorization Token is used to verify client access to the API. Without a valid authorization token, a third party will not be able to use the API or make changes in the e-shop.
1. In the Settings > Privacy and Security section, click on the Access Authorization tab, then on the BizWebs API tab on the left, and finally on the New API Token button:
2. In the New API Token window, fill in the following fields:
- Name (required) – an informational description for easier identification in the administration.
- Act as User (optional) – the account under which changes will appear, for example, in the order history. Enter the email address of a registered user from the Clients section. If left blank, changes will be made under the main administrator's identifier. If you use a specific email address from the Clients section, the API will have the same restrictions as that user (limited access to orders, products, etc.).
- API Access (optional) – the allowed IP address from which the API can be called.
3. Save the new API token by clicking on the Save button.
4. After creating the token, click on the pencil icon or the token name to edit settings and view the token. The token itself is a 32-character string in the Token: field.
To make it easier to identify whether a change was made via the API or manually by an administrator in the administration, we recommend creating a separate account for the token in the administration. You can create the account in the Clients > Persons section. Instructions for creating an account are available in the guide to managing the Clients section. Assign the new client to the Administrators group. If you want the token to have restricted access rather than full administrator access, you can create a new group, set restrictions, and assign the account for the token to this group according to the guide on setting permissions for user groups.